Hi, I’m Fiona

Also known as The Depression Muse and Countess Drusilla Steele, in some circles. (I’ll get into that later, maybe).

I write about Vampires (because I relate), Depression (because I relate), and occasionally, I’ll throw in something about why we should be creating a world where we celebrate people’s differences rather than denigrating them.

I’m on a mission to reduce the global suicide rate to zero and I do that by writing Vampire fiction with mental illness themes.

Yeah. I know how weird that sounds. 

But trust me, my shit is good!

I’ve published a nonfiction book called Depression; Sucks. It explains the process I went through to build a fulfilling life with Depression, rather than chasing the elusive recovery model that the medical profession keep pushing.

I’m 54 years old now and I’ve had Depression since I was around 9. I doubt it’s going to disappear now. 

I publish here at least three times per week. Monday's are usually for mental health essays or anything thats top of my mind at the time.

Wednesday's are when I publish a chapter of my serialized novel, A Vampire Cursed. It's a about an ancient vampire who suffers from The Tediums: a condition that afflicts vampires when they become bored out of their minds. Literally.

On Friday's, I publish a brief update on my writing and how things are going for me and a weekly roundup of the articles and stories that I've enjoyed on Substack during the week.

I also periodically post in The Saxenda Saga, which is the chronicle of my journey taking the weight loss drug, Saxenda.

I’m also in the process of writing the first in my vampire trilogy, The Countess Chronicles.

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Website: fionatate.com

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Vampire fiction and musings on living well with Depression. A home for the wonderfully strange and unusual among us.


Vampire fiction and musings on living well with Depression. A home for the wonderfully strange and unusual among us.